
Monday, 2 November 2015

Boycott all products from Grace Mugabe's company being used to fund violence

Boycott Gushungo products begins: Consumer boycotts sometimes known as grassroots boycotts are a powerful tool to an effective social justice. Its effect to economy of targeted company is decapitating, Nike almost went bankrupt during the 90s due to boycotts for using child labour. Russia Rubble is crumbling fast due to EU product boycott, Russia responded by burning products from EU which also hurt the producers. The French wine boycotts in 2003 in USA wiped 26% of shares. Consumer boycott is legal, peaceful and more effective than the barrel of the gun yet Zimbabweans reeling from a well financed machinery of violence have not taken advantage of it, well now you can make a difference irrespective of your political persuasion. We have launched the mother of all consumer boycotts of all products produced by ZANU PF thugs used to finance violence. Their companies must come to halt, we must boycott all their proceeds of crime, document their movements, using the power of social media to share and act for the security and safety of consumers boycotting. ZANU PF business men and women who are professional have nothing to fear, action will be evidence based. Under the banner CCYT (chiitai cash yacho tione)... Signed TAA (tisu anu acho), starting with Gushungo products, Grace products listed below, we will boycott, selfie product movement and ensure that the business does not fund violence, such business must not operate. Please send me trackings of all boycotted products...CCYT...TAA. 2018 Elections must not be determined by the sword but by the will of the people of Zimbabwe based on one man one vote.
A series of products produced by Mugabe family used to fund violence in Zimbabwe
Cream of blood to be boycotted

Inside the factory production funding violence in Zimbabwe

Grace Omega 3 products funding violence in Zimbabwe

Grace Fresh Milk, proceeds funding violence in Zimbabwe
The Ice Cream producing blood cash

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